祝贺刘安娜同学获得2018年全国拼字比赛地区总冠军Congratulations to Anna Liu Winning Regional Spelling Bee Championship
Every year more than 11 million students started a journey in classrooms across America. They shared one dream: make it to the national spelling bee competition in Washington, D.C. However, each year there are only about 290 top spellers who can turn their dreams into realities. Read more ...
每年在全美各地约有1100多万中小学生参于一年一度的英文拼字(spelling bee)竞赛。选拔赛开始于班级到年级,校级,直至县级和区级。他们拥有一个共同的梦想:获得在华盛顿特区举行的全国拼字比赛参赛资格。然而,每年只有大约290名顶级选手将梦想变为现实。更多。。。 |