2011 Chinese Speech Contest and Chinese Character Contest
Speech contest winners are: 2-4年级:一等奖:郑可儿 二等奖:蔡颖茜、朱康达 三等奖:燕昊阳、姜睿其、陈静静 5-7年级:一等奖:沈晶晶 二等奖:铁光灿、张汉麟&张雅麟 三等奖:陈端阳、杜佳音 8-10年级:一等奖:徐楚瑶 二等奖:吴静怡、蔡迪伦 三等奖:郑心童、郦玉岑、高文妮 CSL:一等奖:Meimei Tannehill 二等奖:Jacob Zeller, 三等奖:Stuart Tannehill, Sean Tannehill
Character contest winners are: 一年级 一等奖:沈佳雯二等奖:沈佳仪, 翟凯茜 三等奖:张甜甜, 王如韵, 边浩庭 学前班、拼音班 一等奖:傅佳妮 二等奖:翟凯琳,倪加雷 三等奖:Allison Yang, 姜懿芫, 孙文正 CSL 一等奖:Jackie Kwan 二等奖:Amanda Hsia 三等奖:Ian Swain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There will be two contests in Chinese School for our students in April & May –
Please review detail information below and start to get your child to prepare for them. Although attending the contests is optional, we do encourage our students to participate. Let the class teacher or school Education know if you have any questions. Chinese Speech Contest (中文演讲比赛)
First round – preliminary contest Who: Students from 2nd grade and above can attend. When: 4-16-11 (Saturday), class time (2:00pm-?) for 8th grade – 10th grade 4-23-11 (Saturday), class time (2:00pm -?) for 2nd grade – 7th grade Where: in classroom
Each class will select winners of the class’s speech contest based on ratio of 5:1. That means that if there are 20 students in the class, 4 winners will be selected to represent the class. Classroom teacher is the judge (if preferred, a teacher can invite parent(s) whose kid(s) is/are NOT in the classroom as a judge).
Second round – final contest Who: preliminary contest winners from each class When: 4-30-11 (Saturday), 1:00pm -3:00pm Where: in Lecture Hall
Group One: 2nd – 4th grade Group Two: 5th - 7th grade Group Three: 8th – 10th grade Group Four: CSL level 3 – level 5
There will be one first place winner, two second place winners, and three third place winners in each group. Teachers and directors will be judges.
Speech Contest Rules:
Speech Contest Score System
Chinese Character Contest (中文认字比赛)
When: 5-14 -11 (Saturday), class time (1:00 pm – 3pm) Who: every student registered in Chinese school “Pin Yin”, “1st grade”, “CSL Level 1”, and “CSL Level 2” can attend. Where: SHS Common Area Method (比赛方法):
Judge (评分标准) :由中文老师或理事按标准发音评分 Award (比赛奖励) :各年级组设一等奖一名,二等奖二名,三等奖三名。每位参赛同学都将获得纪念品。
Please sign up to participate in the contest with the classroom teacher.